6 or 3 bottles

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Experience Oceans of Happiness in LuvBox…

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Find your friend
When you want to feel your inner raw instinct:


Goddess Of Beauty&Lust
Blends embodies pure surrender to the deepest instinct to seduce and embrace sensual satisfaction of pleasure. Oil will increase sensitivity, vitality and vibrancy.


Spirit Of Hunter 4 Men
Blends embodies the embrace of yerning for completion. It gives feeling of deepest fantasy of sensuality.
Awakening passion for love and true emotion in basic raw instinct.

Loveina Friend2PowerUp box open

Check Out Loveina products ranges!
When you are sleepy and tired:

Friend2PowerUp (MYR25)
Stirring the spirit, blend has no time for contemplation, only for action. Such is the message ; “move forward”, “make things happen”, “achieve”. Assist in awakening of the senses and in our striving for completion and oneness, upliftment, clarity, invigoration, empowering and tenacity .

When you are down,sad or depress:

Friend2CheerUp (MYR25)
Blends to bring self-recognition and relief comes into wholeness and unconditional love, to forgive without judgment, sincerity, dispel self-criticism and blame, thus liberating.

Encouragement and help to quit smoking:  


Friend2Quit (Stop smoking)(MYR25)
The warm glow of the blend radiates through all space and time, transform sorrow into happiness, brings the realization that love is always there, if we tune into it’s warm vibration. It stimulates, soothes, gives feeling of completeness, confidence, strength, motivation, uplifts and calming.

When your work or study is less involving to your mind:

(MYR 25)
Blends clarifies everything, through upliftment and focus. In this, there is centering and the impetus needed to send precious thoughts. To encourage awareness, profundity, concentration, energy, confidence and inspirations.

When you stress and tense:
Friend2Relax (MYR 25)
Blends embodies the warm, protective love of Mother earth. It gives feeling of security, compassion, comfort, acceptance, harmony and emotional balance, thus sooths you to rest and sound sleep.
Our sense of smell is ten thousand times more sensitive than any other sense and recognition of smell is immediate. The olfactory response is immediate, extending directly to the brain, and are directly connected to the limbic system which houses all or our sensory experiences such as memories, emotions, sex drive, hunger, pleasure, instincts etc.,
It is the center of all of our emotions and therefore affects our emotional behavior.
Aromatherapy oil are made from fruits, herbs, flowers, wood, roots, resins and spices. Plants take the energy of the sun and transform it, through photosynthesis, into the food energy upon which animal rely. Essential oil are concentrated form of that sun energy and as can be seen from their auric picture , highly energetic .
This is why Aromatherapy works, it is use to heighten spiritual awareness, increase relaxation, cleanse and open the energy channels and induce a feeling of well-being. With the spray, it diffused into the air on a special oil burner or lamp-ring, a few spray in the bath enhance emotional well-being and can clear toxic emotional conditions. If is very handy and helpful for you to use ‘pick me up spray’ to enhance your energy level.

There are 7 major chakra in our body, it is a suble energy system, in the same way the aura is. There are links between the chakra and endoctrine system, the nerve ganglia that lie along the spinal column, and the glands that supply us with hormones such as adrenaline, insulin, estrogen and progestrone. Chakra is also related to our 5 senses-smell, taste, touch, hearing, and sight-as well as intuition and spirituality. What use are chakras?
Each of the 7 main chakras rules a different portion of a
person's psychology and character. We all have 1 or 2 strong chakras and several weaker ones. As we can identify chakras that need to be cleared, balanced, aligned, mended or healed. How does aromatherapy helps balancing the energy? Plants takes energy of the sun and transform it, through photosynthesis, into the food energy which upon all animal rely. Essential oil are concentrated form of the sun energy. The aromatic molecule's energy interacts with the energetic and subtle anatomy of the person, their fragrance molecules stirring, agitating, electrically boosting, or in some other way stimulating the energetic human fields, allowing them to reorganize and harmonize themselves.

Experience your first step to permanent Love and Happiness

Lets start LOVE MOMENTUM now and the Oceans of Peace and Blessing Eternally will pulsate infinitely in our hearts
Come take precious little pieces of Heaven
What is worth to be learn and for our soul to complete the journey, fuel it with giving and serving, the reward of energy we produce is enormous and a STAR is born-boundless POWER, Beautiful and Fulfilled.
Energy therapy...
The energy of the essential oil radiates outward from the drop of that oil, touching upon human aura and enliving it. Aura field is seen to be far more vibrant, colourful, and wider than in the control situation, when the subject is photograph without essential oil. Essential oil are a way to connecting cosmic energy to us. From the sun to plants(as mention above). Essential oil are concentrated form of that sun energy and as can be seen from their auric pictures, highly energetic. The vibration can only, by close association and harmonic vibration, transfer to ultimate source of that energy, COSMIC POWER.

Combination of rose, jasmine, neroli, ylang ylang, pine, frankinsence, and a secret ingredient.
10ml pump bottles with explaination booklet about the benefits

The depth of this fragrance tells all who come near that this is soul perfume. It touches and stirs the spirit, sometimes even awakening the acknowledgment of divine mysteries, and the glory of heaven.
Emotional healing
To encourage contentment, devotion, inner vision, happiness, inner freedom, acceptance, completeness, patience, love, sensuality and purity.
Physical healing
  1. promote growth of new cells, good for healing of a wound, pectoral muscle; the pectoral cavity.
  2. strengthening and 'feeding' the nervous system. Restore the tissues directly.
  3. Useful in relieving disorders of the chest or respiratory tract.
Jasmine’s purpose is to provide us with our personal haven, where we can find a greater conscious resonation with our higher self.
Emotional healing
To encourage upliftment, optimism, openess, sensitivity, harmony, awareness, profoundity, inspiration and joy.
Physical healing
Antidepressant, stimulant, antiseptic, antispasmodic, sedative.
Neroli bring self-recognition and relief. Our pain and sorrow sometimes brought about because we have not seen how we might have affected others and inadvertently cause a rift or hurt others. Neroli allows the reflection that can throw light on the wounds that tie us to old patterns to relating. As truth is revealed, the self emerges into wholeness and unconditional love, stirring the spirit in ways that can be both unexpected and liberating. Then the spirit can soar.
Emotional healing
To encourage lightness, the lifting of sorrows, completeness, joy, understanding, calm, regeneration, and peace and to feel guided.
Physical healing
Antidepressant, anti-infectious, tonic, calmative.
Ylang Ylang
Shields and guides the passion of love and true emotion, while allowing a tender awakening of that sensual part of our being and spirit that can embrace all things. It is for those who have yearning for completion.
Emotional healing
To encourage self-confidence, warmth, awakening, sensuality, upliftment, calm, joy and enthusiasm.
Physical healing
Sedative, antiseptic, aphrodisiac, nervine, antidepressant, calmative.
Pine teaches that it is love and generousity of spirit that endures- in the hearts of those we have loved and known, and in our children. Our love is that which endures, through all weathers and seasons.With this comes the knowing that we should not destroy that which is close to our hearts, for to do so is to destroy ourselves.
Emotional healing
To encourage humility, simplicity, assurance, perseverance, mindfulness, trust, direction, and tenacity.
Physical healing
Anti-infectious, antiseptic, tonic, pectoral, expectorant, stimulant, restorative.
This sweet protector of the heavens operate far beyond the auric field, in the light realms. It is adaptogenic- it will adapt to aperson’s spiritual state of being, like an ever watchful older friend capable of offering support in wide range of circumstances. But like a vigilant parent, it will not let us go where we are not ready to go. Holding the wisdom of the ages, it waits for what is asked of it, and can do all that may be required.
Emotional healing
To induce feelings of emotional stability, enlightenment, protection, introspection, courage, resolution, fortitude, acceptance and inspiration.
Physical healing
Tonic, stimulant, expectorant, antidepressant, pectoral, antiseptic.
Fragrance of newness, renewal, and the seeking of new horizons. It awakens the spirit of our own healer within.
Emotional healing
To encourage emotional balance, concentration, centering, and rationality.
Physical healing
Antiseptic, anti-infectious, expectorant, pectoral, tonic.

7 heavenly Loveina Chakra Oil Blend
For meditations, chakra cleaning, energy distribution and balancing.

Free printed techniques for chakra cleansing.

Magical Loveina and 7 chakra oil.

Free printed explaination energy distribution
the problems if it becomes weak/blocked.

LoveinaBox Content-MYR123
You may choose
1. Illustration-pictures with content or,
2. Words like picture above

The Content:
1.Make commitment to know the truth
2.Understanding ourselves-why do we react
3.Your secret garden
4.Life record-our life 'baggage'
5.A gift of Love and Life to yourself
6.Cleansing the subconcious mind
7.Phrases of wisdom-Say I am you,
Divine Ocean, Please understand me,State of Content
8.Love letter
9.Meditation methods-recharge
10.Energytherapy-Loveina oil blend
Crystals for Chakra-MYR99

Order now!
1.Our 5 loveina friends
3.Crytstals for Chakra
4.7 Magical Chakra oilBlend

Email us: loveinaboxsecrets@gmail.com
0060129249010 Mr Akmal

enjoy the music


Secrets of Life Essense
Life Happens from inside out
If you are happy,
It is because of what is going on inside you
If you are sad,
It is because of what is going on inside you
Your world is all happening inside you.
You are the person with the most power to affect your life
You are the one who decides to be happy or unhappy
About what you are experiencing
Nothing can make you happy without your permission
                                               Nothing can make you unhappy without your permission

Life essense to the Essense
I am responsible for
all my thoughts,
all my emotions and
all my actions!
I am responsible for all my thoughts.
I do not blame anybody
who has influenced me with certain ideas,
because I am the master of my own thoughts,
and I decide what to accept and not accept.
I do not blame the anybody
who told me how to think,
because I am learning how to think for myself.
I am responsible for my own thoughts
my own ideas,
my own points of view,
my own view of the world.
I don't imitate the thinking of others,
I don't accept how the world wants me to think.
My thoughts are my own creation,
some are based on what I learn from
the thoughts of others,
but nevertheless they are of my own creation
and I take full responsibility for it.
I am responsible for all my emotions.
I do not blame anybody
for how I feel
because I am the master of my own emotions.
Nobody can make me feel an emotion
because I generate my own emotions.
I do not blame anybody
for hurting me,
because I myself create that feeling of pain.
I do not depend on anybody
for making me happy,
because I myself create happiness.
I understand that both pleasant and unpleasant emotions
are part of being human,
and thus I accept them fully.
I feel my emotions,
and I let them go.
I do not try to prolong them
because that causes pain.
I do not try to get rid of them
but that too causes pain.
I accept my emotions, I feel them,
I take responsibility for them,
and I let them disappear.
This makes me truly happy.
I am responsible for all my actions.
Whatever I do,
it is my initiative,
Whatever I do not do,
it is my initiative,
and I am responsible for it.
I do not say
He made me do it,
They did not want me to do it.
I act and do not act
because it is my initiative, my decision.
I take fully responsibility
for my decisions,
for everything I do and do not do.
I think, I feel and I act
in a way that is totally self-responsible
and beneficial for myself a and everybody else


"Open up...as nothing can come into a closed vessels"

What we all consciously or subconsciously looking for in our everyday live is energy. Be it, food, drinks, fuel, electricity, vitamins, power and influence in social strata, it is all about energy. We are after all real being of energy transformer. As Einstein quote that every object living or none living vibrates.

Oh daylight rise! Atoms are dancing,
Souls, lost in ecstasy, are dancing.
I'll whisper in your ear where the
dance will take you.
l atoms in the air, in the desert,
They are all like madmen, each atom,
happy or miserable,
Is Passionate for the sun of which

nothing can be said.
As we notice, nature have its higher vibration of energy as so we feel good when we are by the beach or the waterfalls. As also when we eat raw food, vegetables and fruits we feel energized.
In the spiritual realm where, salt and lime were used as ingredient to heal, why is it? It is the same fact that we are energy being, and the salt or lime having its property of its conductivity in channeling the energy through. As words and picture in our mind are energy to heal once we are connected to the power source. Subconsciously when we want something so bad, it happens, especially when
we worries about it, why? Simple as because we keep on thinking about it, and our mind energy channeling do not know good or bad for us, just as we channel it, it happens.
Now lets go to the side where we can’t explain why does some stranger that we don’t know makes us feel uncomfortable? It is because our energy intermingle with each other even as we pass by them. The energy we can’t see, because it is not within our light spectrum, well, we cant see any cable on our handphone for calls nor sms either but it is there. The point is, things which we cant see through our eyes does not means it is not there.
music to our soul(please click!):

Crystals for Chakra-MYR99

Order now!
1.Our 5 loveina friends
3.Crytstals for Chakra
4.7 Magical Chakra oilBlend

Email us: loveinaboxsecrets@gmail.com
0060129249010 Mr Akmal